First of all, let us express our gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given His abundance of grace, taufik, and guidance, so that the entire academic community of Muhammadiyah Metro University is able to bring this beloved university to the age of 57 in 2023. Alhamdulillah is also appropriate for the achievements we have made so far. Without His grace, it is impossible for UM Metro to become one of the leading universities in Indonesia.
In order to realize UM Metro’s vision as a Professional, Modern, and Enlightening Prophetic Center of Excellence, UM Metro continues to improve itself to develop excellent, modern, and superior academic and institutional systems so as to produce human resources who have professional prophetic knowledge through thematic Islamic studies that are oriented towards science and technology and have an environmental perspective.
In addition, UM Metro also continues to develop an excellent research institutional system and human resources to produce scientific research based on Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan values that are applicable to the business and industrial world, and also build networks to produce appropriate technology that provides solutions to community needs.
Furthermore, UM Metro must create a campus atmosphere that has an Islamic image through research and actualization of Islam and Muhammadiyah to build human beings and develop national and international cooperation institutions to expand productive and sustainable partner networks.
We will explain more information about UM Metro in the following sheets. However, more complete and up-to-date information can be found on our website. We are delighted to have you on our campus.