Muhammadiyah Universities are Muhammadiyah business charities in the field of higher education that are imbued and based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values at the ideological-philosophical or practical-applicative level and become one of the forces for the continuity and sustainability of Muhammadiyah in achieving its goals as a da’wah and tajdid movement that crosses the ages. Muhammadiyah Metro University as part of the Muhammadiyah Higher Education family must be able to answer these future challenges by carrying out its duties, functions, and roles as well as possible.

The existence of Muhammadiyah Metro University (UM Metro) is a merger of: (1) Muhammadiyah Metro College of Teacher Training and Education, (2) Muhammadiyah Metro College of Economics, (3) Muhammadiyah Metro College of Engineering, and (4) Muhammadiyah Metro College of Ushuluddin. All four Colleges have obtained registered status, and some of their study programs have even been recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1990. After the merger, the four Colleges then became the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Faculty of Economics (FE), Faculty of Engineering (FT) and Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU), in further development the Faculty of Ushuluddin became the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI). To anticipate the need for professionals in the community, in the academic year 1997/1998 a Diploma Three (D-3) Computer Information Management program was developed, and in the academic year 2002/2003 the Faculty of Law was opened and then successively the English Language Education study program and Diploma 3 Accounting, Financial Management and Banking.

Furthermore, the development of the last four years has been directed towards increasing the strata level of the programs managed. Starting in 2012, the Master of Biology Education Postgraduate Program was opened, in 2013 the Master of Management Study Program was opened, and in 2014 the Master of Education Management Study Program was opened.

Then in 2017, UM Metro again opened three study programs simultaneously, namely the S1 Computer Science Program, Islamic Education Management and Early Childhood Islamic Education. In the same year, UM Metro opened a new faculty called the Faculty of Computer Science by overseeing 2 study programs, namely the Computer Science Study Program and D3 Informatics Management which later changed its name to D3 Information Systems.

In 2019, UM Metro obtained permission to open Teacher Professional Education (PPG) for two Study Programs, namely the Economics Education Study Program and the History Education Study Program. n 2020, there will be a D3 Physiotherapy Study Program followed by a license to establish an S1 Hospital Administration Study Program and S1 Elementary School Teacher Education in 2022. In 2023, UM Metro also added four new study programs, namely S2 Science Education Study Program, S2 Mathematics Education, S2 Law, and S1 Biomedical Science.